Contact Us

Mick’s Carpet Cleaning Brisbane

Address: 30 Albert St, Brisbane QLD 4000

Phone: 07 4800 2083

Opening Hours: Mon-Sun 6:00 am- 9:00 pm


    How Our Booking
    System Works

    We provide an easy way to book services and get the benefits of
    professional cleaning services.

    Select Your Service

    Tell us about your cleaning problems and requirements.

    Schedule For Service

    We provide a service date for your cleaning problems and requirements.

    Service And Payment

    Get the service and pay according to the bill. No hidden charges.

    Recent Blog Posts

    How To Clean Carpets

    How To Clean Carpets

    7 Steps To Cleaning Your Own Carpets Having a clean and neat carpet is everyone’s desire. Obviously, it enhances the appearance of your carpet and makes your home floor better than before. To ensure proper maintenance of your carpet, you need to own some necessary skills and knowledge. So, let’s start with the following information […]

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    How To Get Blood Out Of Your Carpet

    How To Get Blood Out Of Your Carpet

    Carpet Blood Stain Removal Solutions Do you know How To Clean Carpets or Get Blood Out Of Your Carpet? There are various types of stains from which you should prevent your carpet. However, some of them can be easily removed while others require treatment as they are stubborn types. One such stubborn stain is the […]

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    Carpet Cleaning for Allergen Reduction

    Carpet Cleaning for Allergen Reduction

    The allergy season is just about to knock at your door. That means allergy-prone individuals are going to have a tough time dealing with bad headaches, runny nose, and terrible sneezes. If you think staying indoors can keep you free from allergens and pollutants, you cannot be more wrong! The carpets at your home or […]

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